FW: Fireside Chat - Dr. Kathie Supiano
Thursday, April 09, 2020, 10:00am - 11:00am
Dear Utah Independent Living Center,
I am responsible for developing educational programming to foster the 4M’s of Age-Friendly Health Care (i.e., Mentation, Mobility, Medication, and What Matters) through a series of community-based educational workshops, or “Fireside” Chats. These programs are targeted towards older adults, family caregivers, and community-based long-term care services and supports staff.
These 1-hour events are typically held in-person at our community partners’ facilities, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are moving our chats online using Zoom (see attached documents for more information). These live trainings are recorded and can be viewed from our Utah Geriatrics Education Consortium (UGEC)<https://utahgwep.org/trainings/fireside-chats> webpage. I would greatly appreciate it if you would forward this online educational opportunity to your staff members and families that you serve. Please feel free to contact me with any questions at: kara.dassel@nurs.utah.edu
Thank you!
Kara Dassel, PhD
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Kara Dassel
Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2020 6:57 AM
To: Kara Dassel; Adult Protective Services; Allie Spangler; Amy Hartman- Solstice Home Health; ashley.ellis (ashley.ellis@missionhealthservices.org); Beth Noyce; brenda.smith (brenda.smith@avalonhealthcare.com); Brittany Howells (Seniors Blue Book); Caroline Stephens; Carrie Schonlaw; Cherie Brunker; Cherie Brunker; Christie North; Chrystal Misner; Claudette Mathie; Cody Morgan (cody.morgan@missionhealthservices.org); Cory Hafen; Daniel Bahrt; Deb LaMarche; Debra Scammon; Deepthi Rajeev; DOH Aging Services; Eden M Bennett; Ellen Silver; Gail Towsley; Harper Vander Hoek; Heidi DeMarco; Ivette Lopez; Jackie Bringhurst; Jacqueline Telonidis; Jane Price; Jay Robb; Jeanette Koski; Jenna Christensen; Jessica Kunz; Jessica Walker; Jill Duke; Jim Ballard; Joan Gallegos; Jorie M Butler; Julie Wagner; Katherine Supiano; Kathy Nelson; Kathy Owens (Kathy.Owens@avalonhealthcare.com); Kelly Imlay; Kimberly Hamilton; Kris Carter; Kristy Cottrell; Lea Erickson; Linda Edelman; Lisa Hernandez; Liza Johnson; LouAnn Young; Lynn Meinor; Mallory Hewitt; Mark Dixon; Mark Supiano; Matt Wittwer; Michael Magill; Michelle Benson; Miriam Beattie; Mindy Bateman; Miranda Buttars; Nanci McLeskey; Nancy Madsen; Nancy Nelson; Nathan Cluff; Nels Holmgrem (Utah Division of Adult and Aging Services); NIA Z SHERAR; Nicholas Cox; Nickie Poropat; O; Paul Leggett; Paula Price; Randall Rupper; Robert Ence; Ronnie Daneil; Sandy Whalin; Sarah Scott; Scott Christensen; Shawna Horrocks; Sherrie Ahlstrom; Sue Cantarini; Sue Phelps; Sy Juhlin; Tami Ford; Tammy Gallegos; Timothy Farrell; Trenton James Honda; Troy Andersen; Valerie Flattes; YINSHUN CHIU; Alan Pruhs; Alexis Taylor; Allison Christine Pawlus; Amy Thorsen; Andrea Harris; Anna Curtis (annac@mrhmoab.org); Barbara Wilson; Ben Frazier; BLAIR HANNAH CRICKMORE; Brenda Luther; Bud (Mountainlands); Carolyn Muriel Scheese; Casey McClellan; CASSANDRA DOMINIQUE JIMENEZ; CHERYL ANN ARMSTRONG; Christina (Moab); CHRISTOPHER S SNEDDON; Connie Madden; Courtney Rundell; DANIELLE NICOLLE THOMAS; Debra Penney; DENISE W MURRI; DESIRAE NICOLE SIZEMORE; Doug Caylor; Emily Bernier; Evan Christensen; Hollie Mills; GARY HUNTER ROBINS; Jane Powers; Jeff Daniel; Jenifer Lloyd; JENNETH BELOY DORIA; Jennifer Macali; Jessica Garner; Josie M (Wayne County); Josie O (Wayne County); Julie Koldewyn; Kaitlyn McCall; Kathy; Katie Wayman; Kellie (Mountainlands); Kristi Johnson (OTSSU); Linda; Lisa Gren; Marla De Jong; Melody Krahulec; Mitchell Heelis; mjensen; mmccullough@utah.gov; Natalie Manolakis; Natalie Stubbs; Nick Fox; Nikki Gilmore; Paola Soto; Patricia Raygoza; Paula (Green River Medical); Paulina Cruz; Rachel Loveless; Rebekah Couper-Noles; Robbin Williams; Ryan Brown; Santiago Rivera; Sara E Hart; Sara Phillips; Shannon (Green River); Shannon Peterson; Shantel Wilson; Shelly Medley; Stacey (Stacey@carbonmedicalservice.com); Sue (Family Medical); Susan Brown; Sylvia Barragan; Tammy Richards; Tatiana Allen; TERESA A GARRETT; Tiffany Noss; Tina Hepner; Wendy Wilson; Zachary Miller (AUCH)
Subject: FW: Fireside Chat - Dr. Kathie Supiano
When: Thursday, April 9, 2020 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada).
Where: https://utah.zoom.us/j/453885069
Dear Community Partners –
I am responsible for developing educational programming to foster the 4M’s of Age-Friendly Health Care (i.e., Mentation, Mobility, Medication, and What Matters) through a series of community-based educational workshops, or “Fireside” Chats. These programs are targeted towards older adults, family caregivers, and community-based long-term care services and supports staff.
These 1-hour events are typically held in-person at our community partners’ facilities, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are moving our chats online using Zoom (see attached documents for more information). These live trainings are recorded and can be viewed from our Utah Geriatrics Education Consortium (UGEC)<https://utahgwep.org/trainings/fireside-chats> webpage. I would greatly appreciate it if you, along with attending, would forward this online educational opportunity to your staff members and families that you serve. Please feel free to contact me with any questions at: kara.dassel@nurs.utah.edu .
We have also included a pamphlet with mindfulness exercises that can help ease your mind during these unsure times. Please feel free to use and disseminate widely.
Thank you!
Kara Dassel, PhD
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I am responsible for developing educational programming to foster the 4M’s of Age-Friendly Health Care (i.e., Mentation, Mobility, Medication, and What Matters) through a series of community-based educational workshops, or “Fireside” Chats. These programs are targeted towards older adults, family caregivers, and community-based long-term care services and supports staff.
These 1-hour events are typically held in-person at our community partners’ facilities, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are moving our chats online using Zoom (see attached documents for more information). These live trainings are recorded and can be viewed from our Utah Geriatrics Education Consortium (UGEC)<https://utahgwep.org/trainings/fireside-chats> webpage. I would greatly appreciate it if you would forward this online educational opportunity to your staff members and families that you serve. Please feel free to contact me with any questions at: kara.dassel@nurs.utah.edu
Thank you!
Kara Dassel, PhD
-----Original Appointment-----
From: Kara Dassel
Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2020 6:57 AM
To: Kara Dassel; Adult Protective Services; Allie Spangler; Amy Hartman- Solstice Home Health; ashley.ellis (ashley.ellis@missionhealthservices.org); Beth Noyce; brenda.smith (brenda.smith@avalonhealthcare.com); Brittany Howells (Seniors Blue Book); Caroline Stephens; Carrie Schonlaw; Cherie Brunker; Cherie Brunker; Christie North; Chrystal Misner; Claudette Mathie; Cody Morgan (cody.morgan@missionhealthservices.org); Cory Hafen; Daniel Bahrt; Deb LaMarche; Debra Scammon; Deepthi Rajeev; DOH Aging Services; Eden M Bennett; Ellen Silver; Gail Towsley; Harper Vander Hoek; Heidi DeMarco; Ivette Lopez; Jackie Bringhurst; Jacqueline Telonidis; Jane Price; Jay Robb; Jeanette Koski; Jenna Christensen; Jessica Kunz; Jessica Walker; Jill Duke; Jim Ballard; Joan Gallegos; Jorie M Butler; Julie Wagner; Katherine Supiano; Kathy Nelson; Kathy Owens (Kathy.Owens@avalonhealthcare.com); Kelly Imlay; Kimberly Hamilton; Kris Carter; Kristy Cottrell; Lea Erickson; Linda Edelman; Lisa Hernandez; Liza Johnson; LouAnn Young; Lynn Meinor; Mallory Hewitt; Mark Dixon; Mark Supiano; Matt Wittwer; Michael Magill; Michelle Benson; Miriam Beattie; Mindy Bateman; Miranda Buttars; Nanci McLeskey; Nancy Madsen; Nancy Nelson; Nathan Cluff; Nels Holmgrem (Utah Division of Adult and Aging Services); NIA Z SHERAR; Nicholas Cox; Nickie Poropat; O; Paul Leggett; Paula Price; Randall Rupper; Robert Ence; Ronnie Daneil; Sandy Whalin; Sarah Scott; Scott Christensen; Shawna Horrocks; Sherrie Ahlstrom; Sue Cantarini; Sue Phelps; Sy Juhlin; Tami Ford; Tammy Gallegos; Timothy Farrell; Trenton James Honda; Troy Andersen; Valerie Flattes; YINSHUN CHIU; Alan Pruhs; Alexis Taylor; Allison Christine Pawlus; Amy Thorsen; Andrea Harris; Anna Curtis (annac@mrhmoab.org); Barbara Wilson; Ben Frazier; BLAIR HANNAH CRICKMORE; Brenda Luther; Bud (Mountainlands); Carolyn Muriel Scheese; Casey McClellan; CASSANDRA DOMINIQUE JIMENEZ; CHERYL ANN ARMSTRONG; Christina (Moab); CHRISTOPHER S SNEDDON; Connie Madden; Courtney Rundell; DANIELLE NICOLLE THOMAS; Debra Penney; DENISE W MURRI; DESIRAE NICOLE SIZEMORE; Doug Caylor; Emily Bernier; Evan Christensen; Hollie Mills; GARY HUNTER ROBINS; Jane Powers; Jeff Daniel; Jenifer Lloyd; JENNETH BELOY DORIA; Jennifer Macali; Jessica Garner; Josie M (Wayne County); Josie O (Wayne County); Julie Koldewyn; Kaitlyn McCall; Kathy; Katie Wayman; Kellie (Mountainlands); Kristi Johnson (OTSSU); Linda; Lisa Gren; Marla De Jong; Melody Krahulec; Mitchell Heelis; mjensen; mmccullough@utah.gov; Natalie Manolakis; Natalie Stubbs; Nick Fox; Nikki Gilmore; Paola Soto; Patricia Raygoza; Paula (Green River Medical); Paulina Cruz; Rachel Loveless; Rebekah Couper-Noles; Robbin Williams; Ryan Brown; Santiago Rivera; Sara E Hart; Sara Phillips; Shannon (Green River); Shannon Peterson; Shantel Wilson; Shelly Medley; Stacey (Stacey@carbonmedicalservice.com); Sue (Family Medical); Susan Brown; Sylvia Barragan; Tammy Richards; Tatiana Allen; TERESA A GARRETT; Tiffany Noss; Tina Hepner; Wendy Wilson; Zachary Miller (AUCH)
Subject: FW: Fireside Chat - Dr. Kathie Supiano
When: Thursday, April 9, 2020 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada).
Where: https://utah.zoom.us/j/453885069
Dear Community Partners –
I am responsible for developing educational programming to foster the 4M’s of Age-Friendly Health Care (i.e., Mentation, Mobility, Medication, and What Matters) through a series of community-based educational workshops, or “Fireside” Chats. These programs are targeted towards older adults, family caregivers, and community-based long-term care services and supports staff.
These 1-hour events are typically held in-person at our community partners’ facilities, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are moving our chats online using Zoom (see attached documents for more information). These live trainings are recorded and can be viewed from our Utah Geriatrics Education Consortium (UGEC)<https://utahgwep.org/trainings/fireside-chats> webpage. I would greatly appreciate it if you, along with attending, would forward this online educational opportunity to your staff members and families that you serve. Please feel free to contact me with any questions at: kara.dassel@nurs.utah.edu
We have also included a pamphlet with mindfulness exercises that can help ease your mind during these unsure times. Please feel free to use and disseminate widely.
Thank you!
Kara Dassel, PhD
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 453 885 069
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 453 885 069
Find your local number: https://utah.zoom.us/u/aberC3EEuM
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Meeting ID: 453 885 069
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Location https://utah.zoom.us/j/453885069